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Discussion on Polio eradication at the 38th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
The Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) will convene its third quarterly meeting in London, UK, on 30 June-1 July 2011. The meeting follows the Board's end-March meeting, during which it offered a frank...
As part of efforts to prepare for the polio post-eradication era, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners have facilitated the development and transfer of new polio vaccine technology to vaccine production facilities in India and the Republic...
One year after launch of new plan, infected countries and donors review effectiveness of strategies and agree on essential steps to finish the job quickly 17 May 2011, Geneva, Switzerland - As international public health leaders gather in Geneva this...
To assess progress towards polio-free world and measure developments against milestones set out in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative Strategic Plan 2010-2012, IMB members are presented with data and risk assessment. The Independent Monitoring Board...
Most people celebrate a birthday with cake - but not Rotary International. Living up to their motto, 'Service Above Self', Rotarians instead used the organization's 106th anniversary to spread the message about polio eradication. So after the bell was...
New study in Vaccine offers strong economic justification for finishing the job on polio as quickly as possible. A new study being released this week estimates that the global initiative to eradicate polio could provide net benefits of at least US...
More than 72 million children to be immunized across 15 countries to tackle remaining risks Dakar/Brazzaville, 26 October – This week, Africa seizes an unprecedented chance to drive out polio when 15 countries across the continent launch a syn...
Ministers of Health from Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean, Europe and South-East Asia have come together at Regional Committee meetings of the World Health Organization (WHO) to discuss urgent measures to interrupt the remaining chains of polio transmissi...
1.5 million children vaccinated September 2010 / Kabul, Afghanistan - In a region that has been polio-free for nearly a decade, a new polio case has been detected in the Imam Sahib district of the north-eastern Afghan province of Kunduz bordering Tajikist...
On 8 August 2010, the President of Chad, Idriss Deby Itno, received the prestigious Rotary 'Polio Eradication Champion' award. The award was given in recognition of the President's personal engagement in Chad's polio eradication efforts. Officially presen...
Tajikistan has held four rounds of vaccination activities
Polio, peace and partnership For the past three days, 19 000 health workers travelled from house-to-house in 14 provinces to reach 2.8 million children under 5 years of age in southern, south-eastern, western and eastern Afghanistan. The immunization...
Young pilgrims to the Hajj from polio-infected countries must be immunized with oral polio vaccine, the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia has demanded. The Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia has once again issued a requirement that all visitors aged unde...
Shows final stages of eradication effort A film depicting the challenges in the final stages of polio eradication has been nominated for an Academy Award in the best documentary short subject category. "The Final Inch" chronicles the challenges health org...