Financial Resource Requirements – GPEI
Financial Resource Requirements

The Financial Resource Requirements (FRR) provides an overview of the budget for activities planned by the GPEI to eradicate all remaining polio disease and prepare for the post-eradication era. The budget that underpins the FRR is prepared jointly by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and the national governments.

In March 2022, the Polio Oversight Board approved a multi-year budget totalling US$ 4.8 billion. An Investment Case in support of the Strategic Plan 2022-2026 was launched on 26 April 2022.

The GPEI developed an interactive budget tool for 2023.

All Financial Resource Requirement (FRR) documents and interactive budget tools are archived and accessible as downloads.

In addition to the FRRs, the GPEI also provides updated information on available resources from public and private sector donors against the FRRs.