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Eastern Mediterranean Regional Commission for Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication weighs in
Yared G. Yehualashet, Programme Manager for Polio Eradication at WHO Nigeria, speaks to us about the on-ground realities of the polio programme in Nigeria: partners, innovations, challenges, potential wild poliovirus certification on the horizon and more.
Update on polio eradication efforts in Pakistan for May 2019
Update on polio eradication efforts in Afghanistan for June 2019
A unique look at immunization efforts in a sprawling water community
In Niger, a critical mass of religious leaders is helping to turn the tide against vaccine refusals. Support from traditional and religious leaders is bringing an attitudinal shift, building community acceptance and increased vaccination coverage.
To reach every last child, health workers sometimes travel on motorcycles and walk for hours to deliver the all-important life-saving vaccines. On the frontlines of the polio programme, health workers protect millions of children.
Political will apparent for Universal Health Coverage, Primary Health Care and polio eradication with Japan’s leadership
Update on polio eradication efforts in Afghanistan for May 2019
Research underway on a newer tool to protect children from polio and sustain a polio-free world
Reaching underserved populations with immunization in the Niger Delta
Everyday people in Pakistan advocating for vaccinations
Polioviruses will be kept after eradication in a limited number of laboratories and vaccine manufacturing facilities worldwide. Containment of these viruses will be critical to maintaining a polio-free world.
Public health legend and head of the Containment Advisory Group Professor David Heymann talks about some of the similarities and differences between poliovirus and smallpox containment, and work of the CAG.
Ticky Esoh Ebongue, Business Analysist for Polio Eradication at WHO in Geneva, speaks to us about the importance of transparent and accountable financial management, which helps both donors and countries in their strategic planning.
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