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Shows final stages of eradication effort A film depicting the challenges in the final stages of polio eradication has been nominated for an Academy Award in the best documentary short subject category. "The Final Inch" chronicles the challenges health org...
Police and students band together to build support for polio eradication in Pakistan All around the world they’re much the same… they’re red and round with big bold lettering. But in Islamabad, Pakistan, drivers may have cause to pause and look again....
10000 health workers stop polio in one of most dangerous places on earth Polio immunization of a nomadic child. Frequent population movements across Somalia meant that children of nomadic populations were at particular risk of polio. 25 March 2008,...
Message on British Houses of Parliament to celebrate 103 years of Rotary A giant Rotary wheel - the organization's logo - and the words "End Polio Now" were beamed onto the side of the House of Commons to the left of Big Ben on Rotary International's...
Independent polio campaign monitoring is carried out to assess the quality and impact of supplementary immunization activities. It is critical to guiding any necessary mid-course corrections if gaps or problems are found. The basic elements of monitor...
VDPVs and their Implications – State of the Art
This area of research focuses on managing the long-term risks of polio relating to vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) and vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) in the post-eradication era. It includes managing the risks through the eventual cessation...
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