News Stories

Recommendations from the international review of Afghanistan’s poliovirus surveillance system are yielding important results for the country’s eradication programme.
Qatar, supported by WHO, ramps up surveillance for polio during the FIFA World Cup 2022
As 2022 draws to a close, independent technical bodies from key epi-centres dive deep on what it will take to achieve success in 2023
We are close to making polio the second human disease to be eradicated, but what will it take to finally consign this killer disease to the history books?
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) stands tall on the foundation of millions of women’s efforts and voices.
Together, we end polio!
More than 3000 scientists and health experts from 115 countries urge the world to fully fund eradication strategy following resurgence of disease
a Healthier Future for Mothers and Children, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
“Rarely have I seen such commitment and dedication as I have seen in Pakistan.”
  When we consider eradication of a disease, we might think that this means total, 100% absence of the virus that causes it from the globe. It’s a fair assumption. But for polio, while this is expected to be the case in terms of viral presence in...
The Republic of Sudan closed a polio outbreak on 15 September 2022. It had paralyzed 58 children across 42 districts before it stopped circulating.
Pakistan is one of just two countries where the polio virus remains endemic. Challenges remain in identifying and vaccinating all children, but data management software is providing a way forward.
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