News Stories

Community health workers responding to humanitarian crisis in Nigeria are helping to stop polio and malaria hand in hand.
High level support from Ministers of Health is critical to ensure polio eradication success.
Abdullah Khalid is one of the hardworking vaccinators making sure that even children on the move are protected against polio.
Michel Zaffran, Director of Polio Eradication at the World Health Organization, spoke to Gavi about the difficulties in vaccinating every child and what the success of the polio eradication programme means for our work to tackle other diseases.
Polio eradicators in cities worldwide are overcoming unique challenges to stop the virus and reach every child with vaccines.
A youth circus group is encouraging vaccination and providing education in an innovative and engaging way
Harvard University hosts an online forum to examine how social data is helping the polio programme reach the last child.
Rotary and the Gates Foundation host fifth annual World Polio Day to highlight progress in the fight to eradicate the disease
This World Polio Day provides an opportunity to reflect on a year of progress towards a polio-free world.
Update on polio eradication efforts in Pakistan for September 2017
National authorities for containment encouraged to initiate first steps in containment certification process
Update on polio eradication efforts in Afghanistan for September 2017
Afghanistan is closer than ever to eradicating polio. Through this photo essay, discover 10 innovative approaches that are bringing Afghanistan closer to ending polio, for good.
The Pakistan polio snapshot gives a monthly update on key information and activities of the polio eradication initiative in Pakistan. August updates include: Two new cases of polio reported – the total for 2017 is now five At a meeting of the Na...
In polio-endemic countries, frontline workers are utilizing every opportunity to ensure no child is left behind
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