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Frontline health workers are vaccinating children and changing attitudes family by family in the most hard to reach areas of Pakistan
April marks the 60th anniversary of the announcement that Jonas Salk’s inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was safe and effective; his work is playing a more important role than ever in securing a polio-free future
At the start of 2015, global and regional bodies have been meeting to evaluate progress and establish strategies for the coming year.
This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the women at the heart of polio eradication
Read more on the work of Dr Singh and Dr Kumar here. Surveillance experts from India are working to strengthen the Ebola outbreak response in Sierra Leone
Significant progress has been made in the outbreak response, yet missed children remain a threat.
Since the outbreak of polio and the response launched in October 2013, the Middle East has made incredible progress towards becoming polio-free once again
No child need ever again suffer polio-paralysis, but experts warn of grave humanitarian consequences if success is not reached
Visionary partner once again shows its commitment till the end of polio
Despite civil war and mass population displacement, incredible gains have been made against the polio outbreak in the Middle East.
Cautious optimism in the air
As 2015 approaches, the GPEI sets priorities to make 2015 the last stand of thepoliovirus around the world. Drawing from the exhibition "Youth for Polio Eradication Balochistan", supported by UNICEF Pakistan. The last few years have see...
As 2014 draws to a close, the polio program has made substantial progress toward eradicating the disease.
In Pakistan, internally displaced persons leaving North Waziristan are able to protect their children against polio for the first time in 2 years.
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