News Stories

Polio transmission is heating up in northwestern Nigeria just as populations move back along traditional stock routes and into areas now affected by conflict, such as Mali. In Nigeria, authorities are focusing on making sure vaccination activities are wel...
Before dawn on the first day of the National Immunization Days in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Vaccinator Antoine Ngusu Hely is fully awake despite the early hour. At the health center of Kitutu, a storage site in the health zone of Nyemba in...
The Polio Heroes of Chad –social mobilizers, vaccinators, community and religious leaders    
Rotary International recognises some of polio eradication’s biggest names 30 April 2012 - Under normal circumstances, the president of an African country and a Bollywood megastar wouldn’t have much in common. But Nigeria’s President Goodluck J...
Protecting our world from polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases 22 April – This month will end with 394 million children having been vaccinated against polio, culminating in the first-ever World Immunization Week from 21-28 April. The w...
Everyone’s effort is required to eradicate polio from Nigeria 6 April 2012 - “I really want to improve the health situation of all the children in my communities, by immunizing them against child killer diseases like polio,” says Saudutu, a 37-year-ol...
Rotary International President Kalyan Banerjee awards medal to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for his commitment to polio eradication EVANSTON, Illinois, USA, April 4, 2012 – Rotary International President Kalyan Banerjee made history April 2 whe...
Safe and affordable inactivated polio vaccine for low-income countries. One of the strategic priorities of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is to enable low-income countries to produce Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV). To meet this objective,  t...
When the search for wild poliovirus is literally a drop in the bucket 02 April 2012 – Once a week, in the most crowded quarters of Quetta, Pakistan and Mumbai, India, teams of people wearing aprons and gloves stand together on bridges, carefully l...
Finishing the job of polio eradication will require the political and financial support of the BRICS, which together represent a large proportion of the polio-free world. The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are gat...
Emergency response in Pakistan to vaccinate internally displaced, amidst examination of polio eradication activities by the Technical Advisory Group. 27 March, 2012 – Pakistan took swift action this week to prevent a large outbreak occurring around Ba...
West and Central Africa Polio Campaign Enters Decisive Phase Brazzaville/Dakar, 21 March 2012 -- Health Ministries, UN agencies and communities are uniting with tens of thousands of volunteer immunizers over four days to go door-to-door and hut...
An innovative way to reach Punjab’s nomads with polio information and vaccine 21 March, 2012 - Eradicating polio is not all fun and games – except when it is! Around 3,000 happy members of Punjab’s nomadic tribes converged at the Nomad Childr...
Prime Minister receives Rotary's highest honour in recognition of his leadership and dedication to a polio-free world On 14 March, United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister David Cameron was recognized by Rotary International as a Polio Eradication Cha...
International Women’s Day  7 March, 2012 – Out there in two continents right now, there is a dedicated, yet largely unacknowledged army of women devoted to ensuring that polio is eradicated. Dressed in uniforms of fluttering burkhas in...
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