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Polio case in a melon-growing family reveals the challenges to polio eradication
300% increase in staff to support eradication effort in worst-performing areas
Reaffirms Japan’s commitment to polio eradication TOKYO, Japan (June 4, 2012) – Rotary International President-elect Sakuji Tanaka heard reassuring words from Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda regarding Japan’s continued support of polio eradication,...
Senior Somali government officials launch polio campaign Mogadishu, Somalia , 27 May 2013 –  Mothers and children lined up patiently here today for polio vaccination, under a high sun and intense heat. Their vaccinator was the Prime Minister himself,...
New cases at lowest levels ever, but funding gap threatens progress Geneva, Switzerland 24 May 2012– Despite the dramatic drop in polio cases in the last year, the threat of continued transmission due to funding and immunization gaps has driven the Gl...
Wild viruses and wildfires have two things in common. If neglected, they can spread out of control. If handled properly, they can be stamped out for good. Today, the flame of polio is near extinction — but sparks in three countries threaten to ignite a glo...
Rotary International recognises some of polio eradication’s biggest names 30 April 2012 - Under normal circumstances, the president of an African country and a Bollywood megastar wouldn’t have much in common. But Nigeria’s President Goodluck J...
Rotary International President Kalyan Banerjee awards medal to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for his commitment to polio eradication EVANSTON, Illinois, USA, April 4, 2012 – Rotary International President Kalyan Banerjee made history April 2 whe...
When the search for wild poliovirus is literally a drop in the bucket 02 April 2012 – Once a week, in the most crowded quarters of Quetta, Pakistan and Mumbai, India, teams of people wearing aprons and gloves stand together on bridges, carefully l...
Finishing the job of polio eradication will require the political and financial support of the BRICS, which together represent a large proportion of the polio-free world. The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are gat...
Emergency response in Pakistan to vaccinate internally displaced, amidst examination of polio eradication activities by the Technical Advisory Group. 27 March, 2012 – Pakistan took swift action this week to prevent a large outbreak occurring around Ba...
Prime Minister receives Rotary's highest honour in recognition of his leadership and dedication to a polio-free world On 14 March, United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister David Cameron was recognized by Rotary International as a Polio Eradication Cha...
International Women’s Day  7 March, 2012 – Out there in two continents right now, there is a dedicated, yet largely unacknowledged army of women devoted to ensuring that polio is eradicated. Dressed in uniforms of fluttering burkhas in...
It´s official: India is no longer polio-endemic, leaving just three countries which have never stopped polio 1 March 2012 - It was a much-anticipated moment. Weeks after India marked 12 months in which no Indian child had been paralyzed by polio, the...
Landmarks around the world lit up with “End Polio Now” in celebration 27 February, 2012 - Over the month of February, Rotarians around the world have been celebrating the service organisation’s 107th anniversary - and in true Rotary spirit, many h...