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A global polio communication package to help equip countries with the strategies and tools to finish polio
Afghanistan and Pakistan are proving that countries are stronger together in the fight to stop the poliovirus.
A National Islamic Advisory Group has been established in Somalia to support polio eradication and routine immunization.
Clinical trials are constantly finding ways to improve the tools and methods used to protect children against polio, even in the most difficult places.
With SAGE recommending the use of fractional doses of the inactivated polio vaccine, a solution has been found to address global supply constraints
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative gets polio workers to the most vulnerable locations.
Polio workers around the world overcome huge obstacles every day to protect millions of children and ensure that we end polio.
The Islamic Advisory Group met to reaffirm its commitment to polio eradication and reiterated its trust in the safety and effectiveness of all routine childhood vaccinations
Following the detection of vaccine-derived poliovirus in the sewage system in Hyderabad, a vaccination campaign has been held to boost immunity and prevent a poliovirus outbreak.
Significant progress in strengthening polio surveillance has been seen in the last year in Afghanistan according to a recent review.
The Expert Review Committee in Nigeria has emphasised that this is no time for complacency, with much still needed to keep the country polio-free.
Michel Zaffran, Director of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, talks to Rotary International about why it is important to trace every last virus in order to eradicate polio for good.
In April 2016, countries around the world came together to withdraw the type two component of the oral polio vaccine and bring the world closer towards eradicating polio once and for all
During the 69th World Health Assembly in Geneva global leaders have reaffirmed commitment to ending polio once and for all.
Canada announces funding for polio eradication in Nigeria at the Women Deliver Conference in Copenhagen.
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