News – Page 55 – GPEI
Finishing What He Started

April marks the 60th anniversary of the announcement that Jonas Salk’s inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was safe and effective; his work is p...

Polio Eradication: measuring ourselves every step of the way

At the start of 2015, global and regional bodies have been meeting to evaluate progress and establish strategies for the coming year.

Making It Happen

This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the women at the heart of polio eradication

Polio and Ebola: Legacy in Action

Read more on the work of Dr Singh and Dr Kumar here. Surveillance experts from India are working to strengthen the Ebola outbreak response i...

Nigeria Introduces the Inactivated Polio Vaccine Into Routine Immunization System

This month, Nigeria became the first polio endemic country to use inactivated polio vaccine in routine systems.

Pakistan Measures Progress against Low Season Plan

Ensuring access to every child in every district remains the priority in Pakistan.

Somalia marks six months without a case of polio

Significant progress has been made in the outbreak response, yet missed children remain a threat.

Major Multi-Country Epidemic Prevented in the Middle East

Since the outbreak of polio and the response launched in October 2013, the Middle East has made incredible progress towards becoming polio-f...

Maintaining Momentum in Nigeria is Crucial for a Polio-free Africa

Expert Review Committee in Nigeria urges vigilance in light of tentative steps towards eradication in Nigeria.

IPV is rolled out globally

International support critical to protecting children everywhere against lifelong polio paralysis

Let’s End Polio And Build A Healthier Future

The Organization of African First Ladies Against HIV/AIDs rally against polio

Global health leaders say polio-free world within grasp

No child need ever again suffer polio-paralysis, but experts warn of grave humanitarian consequences if success is not reached

Nigeria: Looking Towards a Polio-Free Future

Six months with no case of wild polio signifies dramatic progress in Nigeria.

Rotary releases US$ 34.8 million to end polio worldwide

Visionary partner once again shows its commitment till the end of polio

One Year Since the Last Case of Polio In Syria

Despite civil war and mass population displacement, incredible gains have been made against the polio outbreak in the Middle East.

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