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A new investment case shows that successful polio transition in the 8 priority countries of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region will have a...
21 February 2024, Aden, Yemen
A polio survivor in Nangarhar shares his challenges and advises parents to vaccinate their children
An interview with GPEI experts
The frontline worker who lost her feet in a train accident, but never the resolve to eradicate polio from Pakistan
To help end all polio transmission and meet the broader health needs of communities now, the GPEI works with a range of partners to integrat...
Using creative and locally acceptable social behaviour change outreach tactics to engage communities in building trust and reaching children...
Philanthropy’s once-in-a-generation opportunity
Health leaders call for focused efforts in endemic and most consequential geographies
WHO grants prequalification to innovative polio vaccine, nOPV2, as nearly 1 billion doses are administered
As the year draws to a close, efforts intensify against the virus in 2024
Global Polio Partners, Paris Saint-Germain Endowment Fund, and the French Gaming Community Unite to #ENDPOLIO
As well as Build more Climate Resilient Health Systems
Islamic Development Bank announces a new US$100 million loan approved in 2023 to help ensure a polio-free Pakistan
21 November 2023