First-ever World Immunization Week

Protecting our world from polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases

Children are immunized in their homes or en route with their mothers to the workplace WHO/S. Bari

22 April – This month will end with 394 million children having been vaccinated against polio, culminating in the first-ever World Immunization Week from 21-28 April. The week aims to raise awareness of the effectiveness of vaccination in improving and saving the lives of children. Vaccination has eradicated smallpox, brought the world to the brink of eradicating polio, and saves between 2 and 3 million lives every year, from a range of vaccine-preventable diseases.

With only three countries left with endemic polio, the entire world remains at risk: 150 million children are being vaccinated against polio this week in nine countries with polio outbreaks or at high risk of polio. An additional 244 million children have been or will be vaccinated by the end of the month in five other countries.


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