News – Page 30 – GPEI
Going the distance to end polio

To truly ensure no child is left behind, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is reaching out to some of the most remote communities in t...

From smallpox to polio, a life spent pursuing eradication

Mohamed Shire, a polio eradication expert from Somalia, speaks about lessons from a life tirelessly working to eradicate first smallpox, the...

Polio Champion Award presented to the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May

Rotary International recognizes polio eradication efforts by UK leadership

Coffee with Polio Experts: Dr Mohammad Al Safadi, WHO HQ

Dr Mohammad Al Safadi, Technical Officer for Polio Outbreak Preparedness and Response, WHO HQ, talks to us about the tactics and strategies...

Africa’s drive to end polio under the microscope

A review committee met in Nairobi to assess progress of the African region towards being certified polio-free

To retain or not to retain…

Steve Oberste, chief of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Peter Borus, head of the Kenya Medical Research Institut...

Syria Polio outbreak stopped

After an 18-month long intensive vaccination campaign in the face of a poliovirus outbreak in Syria, the outbreak has been successfully stop...

Afghanistan polio snapshot – November 2018

Update on polio eradication efforts in Afghanistan for November 2018

Polio surveillance in real time

In the Horn of Africa, health workers are using application-based technology to respond to poliovirus outbreaks with greater speed and accur...

Pakistan polio update – October 2018

Update on polio eradication efforts in Pakistan for October 2018

Afghanistan redoubling efforts to eradicate polio once and for all

Afghanistan aims to reach the most vulnerable in Southern and Eastern provinces.

Coffee with Polio Experts – Zubair Wadood, WHO

Dr Zubair Wadood, senior polio epidemiologist and technical expert at WHO, speaks to us about the remaining operational challenges to reachi...

How India Eradicated Polio

What did we learn?

This is Gafo

Papua New Guinea’s first polio case in decades is a champion for eradication

Pakistan polio update – September 2018

Update on polio eradication efforts in Pakistan for September 2018

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