News – Page 28 – GPEI
Ending polio against all odds

South Sudan leverages Smart Interactive visualization of Disease surveillance and Routine Immunization assessments

Pakistan Regional Polio Laboratory nearing completion thanks to Japan International Cooperation Agency

JICA continues to support Pakistan in polio eradication efforts

Pakistan polio snapshot – February 2019

Update on polio eradication efforts in Pakistan for February 2019

“Women are like grass, not trees”

Resilience and resolve are the keywords for women eradicating polio

Video: Polio in Afghanistan

Polio is a crippling disease still endemic in Afghanistan. However, the country is closer than ever to stopping transmission.

The Future of Disease Surveillance – Rolling out Innovative Real-time Tracking Network across Africa

With no wild poliovirus reported anywhere in Africa since 2016, efforts are being intensified to actively look for the virus, to ensure it i...

Pakistani women march ahead in the fight against polio

On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the role of women in the polio eradication efforts in Pakistan

The linchpin of on-ground polio eradication: women health workers and leaders

Women health workers and have been highly effective in polio eradication efforts, often as the only point of contact in rural settings.

Raising each other up:

A look at some of the women in Somalia’s polio programme

Realizing the dream of a polio-free world – Dr Ujala Nayyar

Surveillance officer at WHO pushes through gender-related obstacles to help end polio in Pakistan

Coffee with Polio Experts: Dr Nicksy Gumede-Moeletsi, WHO Regional Office for Africa

Dr Nicksy Gumede-Moeletsi, senior virologist for polio eradication at WHO’s Regional Office for Africa in Brazzaville, speaks to us about ho...

GCC intensifies work on global certification criteria

Global Commission for Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication (GCC) meet in Geneva to intensify its work on global certification criteria

Africa’s polio surveillance network front and centre during visit by Korea International Cooperation Agency

February 2019, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Pakistan polio update – January 2019

Update on polio eradication efforts in Pakistan for January 2019

Afghanistan Polio Snapshot – January 2019

Update on polio eradication efforts in Afghanistan for January 2019

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