Polio Vaccinators Return to Bara, Pakistan, after Five Years

For the first time in five years, a door-to-door anti-polio campaign took place from 7-8 June in Bara sub-division of Khyber Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan

Polio vaccinator in Bara, Pakistan © WHO/M. Mohammedi

More than 42,000 children were vaccinated by the FATA Administration during a two-day campaign with the financial support of the United Arab Emirates and the protection of security forces. It was for the first time since 2009 that a comprehensive campaign could be conducted here, due to military operations and insecurity.

There were no security incidents during the campaign and according to preliminary reports, the demand from the community and the acceptance of vaccine was very high with excellent overall coverage. This opportunity allowed health officials to assess other critical health needs of the population, and to respond to the Leishmaniasis outbreak.

During the next three weeks, three more similar campaigns will be conducted on a weekly basis.

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