News – Page 38 – GPEI
Coffee with Polio Experts: Dr Urs Herzog, Rotarian and polio survivor

We join Dr Urs Herzog, Rotarian, polio eradicator, National PolioPlus Advocacy Advisor for Rotary Switzerland and polio survivor himself, as...

Capturing lessons from polio eradication

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is partnering with institutions in seven countries to help document and disseminate knowledg...

Afghanistan Polio Snapshot – November 2017

Update on polio eradication efforts in Afghanistan for November 2017

Coffee with Polio Experts: Professor David Salisbury

Professor David Salisbury, chair of the Global Commission for the Certification of the Eradication of Poliomyelitis, talks us through the pr...

Coffee with Polio Experts: Carolyn Sein, WHO

Carolyn Sein, Technical Officer for the GPEI programme, talks to us about circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses, and the important differ...

Pakistan Polio Update – November 2017

Update on polio eradication efforts in Pakistan for November 2017

Working toward a polio-free future: 2017 in review

Global progress and renewed commitment brought us closer than ever to a world without polio.

Polio eradication remains top priority for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Member states commended for support of polio eradication efforts at the recent Islamic Conference of Health Ministers in Jeddah

Germany provides additional critically-needed funds to Pakistan

€ 2 million in support pledged to help defeat last remaining reservoirs of the virus

Working together to reach every last child

In Pakistan, the polio eradication programme and the routine immunization programme are working hand in hand to increase vaccination coverag...

Polio survivors live a life of mobility

Polio survivors in Burkina Faso are reaching their full potential thanks to Rotary support

Advisory Groups meet to review progress against polio eradication

Recommendations for further interventions in Pakistan and Afghanistan as progress towards polio eradication is put under the microscope.

Islamic Advisory Group launches training manual on polio eradication, mother and child health and immunization

Muslim leaders urge parents to vaccinate their children

Outbreak response continues in Syria

All hands on deck to stop polio in Syria amidst conflict

Life with Polio: Adil’s Story

Giving hope for better lives to people with polio

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