News – Page 17 – GPEI
Following in the footsteps of Princess Grace: Monaco & the fight to eradicate polio

The Principality of Monaco has long been a dedicated supporter of the effort to eradicate polio, and is the highest per capita contributor t...

Somalia: formal closure of the cVDPV3 outbreak

Somalia’s outbreak of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 3 (cVDPV3) has been successfully stopped, with no international spread

Living with Polio in Pakistan

Polio survivor Mujahid Miran recalls the challenges of growing up with disabilities, and how his own experiences led to his commitment to cr...

Egypt and UAE co-chair new EMRO ministerial subcommittee on polio

On Tuesday 16 March, the effort to eradicate polio got a major push from a new backer: the just-inaugurated Regional Subcommittee on Polio E...

“To convince one family to be vaccinated is a huge victory”

Hira’s story epitomizes the heroic contribution of women polio workers in Afghanistan who continue building trust in vaccines among parents...

Pakistan polio snapshot – January 2021

Update on polio eradication efforts in Pakistan for January 2021

Countries gear up to kick all forms of polio out of Africa, once and for all

To rapidly and sustainably stop outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2), a modified vaccine, known as novel oral...

The future of public health depends on women.

Spanish Foreign Minister reflects on the role of women in polio eradication after her visit to Chad

Women Leaders in Polio Eradication: Heather Monnet

By asking polio eradicators to “put on their gender glasses”, Heather Monnet is a driving force behind the GPEI gender strategy.

Standing on the shoulders of pioneers

As we approach International Women’s Day, GPEI honours two women without whom we would not be where we are

In Covid-19 world, Rotary President Knaack takes stock of global polio situation

In a special interview, PolioNews (PN) talks to Holger Knaack (HK), President of Rotary International.

Women Leaders in Polio Eradication: Dr. Folake Olayinka

Dr. Folake Olayinka speaks about overcoming gender-related barriers to immunization.

COVID-19 shows value of polio infrastructure to support resilient health systems

Report outlines the vital role that the polio eradication network plays in global health security and argues that this infrastructure must b...

Women Leaders in Polio Eradication: Dr. Alda Morais Pedro De Sousa

Dr. De Sousa has spent more than twenty years charting the highs and lows of polio eradication in Angola.

Afghanistan polio snapshot – November 2020

Update on polio eradication efforts in Afghanistan for November 2020

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