Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication – GPEI
Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication ?

Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication
18–19 November 2009, Geneva
This special consultation was held to review progress towards polio eradication and provide policy guidance on strategies. Recommendations ranged from technical issues (such as the rapid use of new bivalent oral polio vaccine) to advocacy and programme planning.
Conclusions and recommendations – Weekly epidemiological record, 8 January 2010, 85(1/2):1–10
English | French

Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication
27–28 November 2007, Geneva
Conclusions and recommendations – Weekly epidemiological record, 18 January 2008, 83(3): 25–35
English | Français

Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication
11–12 October 2006, Geneva
Conclusions and recommendations: Part I – Weekly epidemiological record, 1 December 2006, 81(48):453–460
English | Français

Conclusions and recommendations: Part II – Weekly epidemiological record, 8 December 2006, 81(49/50):465–467
English | Français

Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication
11–12 October 2005, Geneva
Conclusions and recommendations – Weekly epidemiological record, 25 November 2005, 80(47): 410–415
English | Français

Ad Hoc Advisory Committee Meeting on Polio Eradication
22 April 2005, Geneva
Note for the record [pdf 90kb]

Ad Hoc Advisory Committee Meeting on Polio Eradication
21–22 September 2004, Geneva
Conclusions and recommendations [pdf 42kb]

7th Meeting of the Technical Consultative Group
9–11 April 2002, Geneva
Report [pdf 865kb]

6th meeting of the Technical Consultative Group
7–10 May 2001, Geneva
Report [pdf 296kb]