UK House of Lords discusses polio

Broad support for polio eradication

19 November, 2012 – Polio eradication became the subject of discussion in the UK’s House of Lords this week after Baroness Jenkin of Kensington asked the Government to explain their plans for extending their support of polio eradication.

Baroness Northover, the Government Spokesperson in the House of Lords for International Development, reiterated the Government’s firm commitment to polio eradication, stating that they were looking at various funding options, including match funding, for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s activities in 2013 and beyond.

“This is a window of opportunity. There is a programme to try to eradicate polio by 2018. We will all be aware of what an incredible achievement that would be. We are so close,” Baroness Northover said.

Read the full discussion here.

DFID blogs on polio eradication in India.

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