“I asked my mother why I was disabled, and she told me I was not immunized”

The story of Aminu Ahmad, polio survivor and eradication advocate

A workshop run by Mr Ahmad employs young polio survivors. The workshop produces hand-crank cycles, like these, which give those paralysed by polio much greater mobility. Christine McNab
A workshop run by Mr Ahmad employs young polio survivors. The workshop produces hand-crank cycles, like these, which give those paralysed by polio much greater mobility.
Christine McNab

5 August 2011 – When some people are affected by the long-term consequences of illness, they let it take over their life. Aminu Ahmad let polio take over his life in the most positive way possible – he became an advocate for polio eradication.

This hard-working Nigerian man is chairman of the Kano Polio Victims Association, head of a workshop providing employment to young men affected by polio and a keen advocate for vaccination.

For more of his story, including a video documenting his work, click here.

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