Many polio eradication activities are carried out at the global level, or across multicountry regions, including coordination, planning, quality assessment, research, data analysis, resource mobilization, and communications.
Some of these activities will need to continue after eradication to ensure coordinated global efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to any polio events or outbreaks, and to prevent disruptions to other global health programmes.
Planning by GPEI partners
Each of the five GPEI core partners will be affected by the scale down of the programmatic and financial operations of GPEI. WHO, UNICEF, Rotary, CDC, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation each have significant polio resources and functions at the regional and global levels. These are being mapped and analysed to identify organisational risks and opportunities related to the scale down, and the agencies are planning for how to address these risks and opportunities.
The role of donors and other stakeholders
Donors and other stakeholders, such as civil society organisations and public health organisations, are closely involved in the transition planning process. Stakeholders at the local, national, regional and global levels can play an important role through advocating to governments and partners, contributing to transition discussions, and supporting the transition of polio assets and infrastructure to other health and development initiatives.
Key activities for participation include:
Other health programmes that rely on GPEI assets have a major role in successful transition, and are closely engaged in the transition planning process by: