In Afghanistan’s remote and mountainous Nuristan province, children are highly vulnerable to polio and other deadly diseases due to multiple, intersecting needs that stem from long-standing isolation and multiple deprivations.
Wild PoliovirusCountries
Variant PoliovirusThe GPEI stands at a crossroads, needing new approaches to overcome the last remaining hurdles and achieve polio eradication. In the final two endemic countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, WPV1 persists alongside cVDPV2. Globally, cVDPV2 outbreaks are occurring in four of...
By donating to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Your contribution will directly support immunization activities in developing countries or recognize the health workers and vaccinators who have incurred serious injury or lost their lives participating in polio eradication activities. Every contribution will help in our work to achieve a polio-free world.